Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain or reinforced resin. Similar to a false nail, a veneer is a protective shell that covers the front of your tooth to reshape it or improve its colour.

Veneers make teeth look natural and healthy, and because they are very thin and are held in place by a special strong bond (rather like super-glue) very little preparation of the tooth is needed.


  • When orthodontics is not an option, veneers may be the answer

  • Veneers stay securely attached to your teeth.

  • They are unlikely to affect the nerves within a tooth or weaken it

  • Similar to false nails, veneers are painless and easy to apply

  • Veneers can be used to close gaps between teeth


We would like to invite you for a free consultation which will allow us to properly access your needs and recommend the right treatment for you.


  1. Contact us today to arrange a FREE consultation

  2. Discuss your options with one of our clinicians

  3. Arrange a convenient time to create that winning smile


We have a dedicated team of highly-skilled dental professionals who aim to provide the best possible experience possible to our patients. Treating each and every person who visits our practice as individuals, and ensuring that we cater to their needs, is a passion for us.

“We promise to recommend to you, what we would want recommended to us.”